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What if we play Coming Out

on Top?

If besides being gay you’re a gaymer, this might interest you, a new game has been launched, which you can have lots of fun with, as you’ll love its concept: a college student coming out. And it will be you who helps him discover the LGBT world.

The game is called Coming Out on Top, where Mark Matthews, the main character; is a college student boy on his senior year who decides to come out and will have to deal with this new world. This with yours and his roomies help. It is about being you who guides him through life, depending on the decisions you help him to make, it is how the story will go on. Mark can go partying, flirting and even falling in love.

This visual novel, contains images for adults only, so you must be careful because the leading man and his hook ups might surprise you, as it has explicit sexual content. However, if you are looking for hard core porn, this is not the right place.

A thing that results interesting is that you can contribute to the characters looks and outfits, you can choose if you want some of them to have body hair and even have their beards designed.

Among the characters that go along with Mark through his adventure, there is Ian, the straight guy who only wants to go partying and be at the gym. Phil, an African-American Marine; Alex, a college professor who meets Mark on his first night out at the gay bar; Jed, the Asian-American rocker neighbor; and Brad, a handsome sports guy, who still hasn’t come out.

This is not an app that you can download to your phone, if you want to access, you’ll have to do it from your computer. It is available for iOS and Windows. To play it, you must pay a certain amount of money, although there is a free version with its obvious restrictions.

It’s time to play! Enter and join the adventure of Coming Out on Top.


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