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5 Instagrammer you should

follow for a beach style

If you love to always be stylish, fashionable and don’t know exactly how to do it, we will recommend you to follow these Instagram accounts. If you are one of those guys who are always worried about their looks and you think you don’t need it because you already have the taste and enough information, it’s always good to hear some tips and trends to arrive in style anywhere, specially when your vacation to Puerto Vallarta is just around the corner. Here you will find the perfect beach look!


The streets of New York and Los Angeles are the perfect setting for Marcel to enjoy fashion. He can go from a summer street look to a beachside one without any problems. He can easily combine swimsuits and shorts with other accessories you will want to have in your wardrobe.


It does not take a great production to make well dressing to work out perfectly. And this is precisely the result of Moti Ankari choices. The best of all is that in his blog The Metro Man you will find details that will help you have a better look.


A more relaxed style is what characterizes Andrea. Even if it looks careless, you will notice that every accessory is used in the right way and in good choice. You will love his blonde hair, the one we would all like to have but only a few can achieve.


The same he can pull off a summer look than a more sophisticated one. This guy knows how to pull off any look. These Hawaiian shirts are his tasteful clear sign. In addition, you will fall in love with his jackets and suits.


Chic and classic are two words that perfectly describe Luca’s Instagram feed. With a shaved head and a lot of style, he can perfectly pull off any look. He’s a big fan of crossed suits.

Photos: Instagram

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