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Have you ever dreamed

of being a daddy?

There are many apps and platforms for gaymers, and lately there have come out an infinite number of possibilities to make you have a good time. Leisure comes when least expected and now we have a healthy recommendation to satiate. It is about Dream Daddy, the controversial app that has hooked with its theme the entire LGBT community.

The dream of becoming a coveted daddy will finally come true, well at least virtually. While the chance to make it real comes, this app is a good training in the meantime and you will love it.

Dream daddy is a dating simulator, in which you will have to create a character to be able to hook up with any boy you find around there, or even better, to make it find the love of its life. The app was launched in different countries just last month, and only a few days after it was already on trending topics. It has been pointed for being stereotype based, but one of its creators says that the LGBT community response has been positive, by the number of downloads. There will always be criticism, not everybody will like everything.

Playing it is simple, as you only need to flirt with other gay, bisexual and transexual people in the same city. Bearded, muscled, feminine and with completely different personalities. There’s one for every taste!

“The parents and the jokes about them are something that might be fun for many of us, and we could use that humor for an important storytelling”, said the American Vernon Show, one of its creators.

The “dreamed daddy” has broken some records, besides being number 1 in downloads on Steam, the biggest video game platform on the internet; it has been accepted not only by gays, but also by straight people who want to have a good time on their spare time.

The “daddy” culture is well known within the LGBT community and this app is a good way to feed free time with positive humor. Do you want to try your luck and find out how good you are? It is time to download it and tell us what you think!

Photo: pixel.nymag

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