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A relaxing massage
on Los Muertos beach!
By mantamar | 2018-06-15
There's no better way to relieve your stress and begin (or end) your beach vacation on a relaxing note than with a relaxing massage on Los Muertos Beach
Netflix documentaries
to better your health
By mantamar | 2018-06-10
We have a healthy idea for you to enjoy your days off right in the comfort of your favorite bed or armchair.
Freddie Mercury's Life:
Coming Soon to Theaters
By mantamar | 2018-05-30
There are many idols that have gone down in musical history, but few legends who’ve left such a legacy as Queen and its vocalist, Freddie Mercury.
Adele married
her gay friends!
By mantamar | 2018-05-14
Friends will always there for you, by your side, supporting you - whether you need it or not. This is the case of the British singer, Adele, with her two best friends.
Why is it called
Los Muertos Beach?
By mantamar | 2018-05-14
Many people ask, “Why is it called Los Muertos Beach?” These legends and stories are actually an interesting part of the history of Puerto Vallarta.
Vallarta Pride 2018:
Hosted by Lorena Herrera
By mantamar | 2018-05-03
Each year, Vallarta Pride Week delivers us with many surprise visits! This year, we will be graced by the presence of Lorena Herrera, a famous Mexican singer and actress!
Vallarta Pride
Week 2018
By mantamar | 2018-04-25
Each year the LGBT community of Puerto Vallarta celebrates gay pride with peaceful marches and a series of activities that include conferences, parties and other events during the month of May.
Puerto Vallarta Pride:
2018 is Almost Here
By mantamar | 2018-04-20
One of the most anticipated events for the gay community in Puerto Vallarta and several other countries around the world is coming up – Gay Pride Week!
Celebrating the March
on Washington
By mantamar | 2018-04-12
There is so much to say about the giant strides that the LGBT community has made since the March on Washington in 1979.
Puerto Vallarta’s
1st Annual Marathon
By mantamar | 2018-04-05
2018 is the 100th anniversary of the municipality of PV as well as its 50th year as a city, and all of PV will be celebrating at the finish line as they’re expecting a turnout of over 2,500 runners!